Achieve Breakthrough Results with Superior Strategy Deployment Software

Dploy Solutions enhances strategy deployment transforming proven methods of the Hoshin Kanri System and the Toyota Production System, into digital tools that create a structured framework for cross-functional and multi-site policy alignment. Our platform ensures a real-time, global view of your organization, keeping objectives, resources, and teams interconnected and focused.

Dploy Solutions helps businesses of all sizes, in every industry:

Strategy Deployment Capabilities

The platform transforms strategic planning and complex data into real-time, easy-to-understand dashboards (X-Matrix) and charts (Bowler, Gantt, Pareto, Spotlight and more), empowering you to make quick, data-driven decisions. Our seamless integration of data from various systems into a singular, accurate view means more insightful strategy execution. With Dploy Solutions, you gain access to critical insights, keeping you connected to your business objectives every hour of every day.

Communicate Objectives and Expectations

Our X-Matrix and Bowler Chart (TTI Tracking) guide you in maintaining focus on goals and annual priorities.

Intuitive performance tracking

Strategic alignment tools

Analyze root causes

Sustain continuous improvement

Proactively Identify and Remove Roadblocks

Obtain a bird’s-eye view across all functions and locations, uniting your team with a common strategic purpose.

Identify performance gaps

Create countermeasures

Aggregate complex KPI data

Report at all levels automatically

Cut Through the Data Clutter and Get on Track

Uncover potential areas for refinement and drive efficiency across your organization with Dploy Solutions.

Bring clarity to complex data

Access the status of any metric

View trend charts & reason codes

Use the powerful spotlight feature

Strategy Deployment: Achieve Breakthrough Objectives Faster

Instantly see what your organization needs to achieve over the next 3-5 years – how far you need to go, how you’ll achieve that goal with focused annual objectives, and who needs to deliver by when. As a leader, the process of policy deployment and the use of an X-Matrix make strategy deployment visible to the entire organization. Team leaders and cross-functional support teams are identified and everyone is on the same page clearly understanding expectations for success. Automatically link corporate goals directly to the point of impact by cascading to the departments and individuals responsible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Dploy Solutions integrates your strategic plan with daily management processes using tools like the X-Matrix and Bowler Chart. This ensures that your long-term objectives are connected to daily actions, with clear accountability and visibility at every organizational level. Our platform provides real-time updates and visual management so that everyone stays aligned with the strategic direction.

Absolutely. Dploy Solutions offers robust analytics and root cause analysis tools to help you understand why certain targets are being missed. With these insights, you can proactively create countermeasures, adjust your strategies, and monitor the effectiveness of these adjustments through our dashboard to get back on track.

Dploy Solutions is designed for seamless integration. Our web-based platform can consolidate data from various existing systems, providing a unified view of your metrics. This simplifies the transition and allows you to begin strategizing and tracking performance without the hassle of complex system overhauls.

Our platform enhances communication by providing a centralized hub where all strategic plans, KPIs, and progress reports are accessible. Team members can view their responsibilities, track progress, and collaborate on action plans in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

Dploy Solutions offers a global, real-time view of your strategy deployment, with 24/7 access to all users, regardless of location. This ensures that geographically dispersed teams can stay connected with the overall strategy and their specific roles within it, promoting unity and synchronized progress towards organizational goals.